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Ep 41 - Getting More Free Time with Jenny Blake

Winding Road Podcast Cover - Jenny Blake



Let's face it, for some of us, time is more valuable than money.

We would take a pay cut to gain more time.

But what if you're trying to pivot into a new field and need to carve out time to learn?

What if you've spun up a side project to help you make the pivot or increase your income?

What if you took the leap and are now a solopreneur trying to do everything?

Where is this time going to come from?

Well, Jenny wrote an entire book on this topic: Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business, and we talked about some of the things she wrote about you can use to get more time back.

You may love what you do, but you also have a life to live.

About the Guest:

Jenny Blake is an author and podcaster who loves helping people move from friction to flow through smarter systems, powered by Delightfully Tiny Teams. She just launched her award-winning third book, Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business.

Where to find Jenny:

Amazon: Free Time, Pivot, Life After College
Podcasts: Pivot with Jenny Blake, Free Time  with Jenny Blake